Mercury Retrograde in Aries - April 1st, 2024

Mercury, the planet of communication and ruler of our mental capacity and ability will be going retrograde in the fiery sign of Aries on April 1st, 2024 at 5:14pm CST.

Retrograde means that, from Earth, it seems as though a planet is moving backward, but physically it is not. In its direct motion, Mercury appears to be moving in a forward motion from the vantage point of Earth, and during a retrograde, it appears to be moving backward. What happens as a human when we are able to move forward with clear direction? We are able to more freely express ourselves with more clarity and overall general ease. When we try to walk backwards, oftentimes there is no sense of what is around us or what we may encounter, because we can’t use our senses as well. Things can get a little wonky or obscured on our backwards journey, which can lead us to using a little more caution or being a tad more careful. The same rules apply to the energetic Mercury Retrograde. It doesn’t have to be alarming or scary, we just have to use more general caution during this energetic transit.

The retrograde will last from April 1st, 2024 to April 25th, 2024. Mercury retrogrades are particularly interesting to me because of how the can affect your mind and thoughts. Mercury governs the mind and thinking, which can feel physical in our bodies when those thoughts and feelings turn into emotions, which ultimately live in our bodies. Those physical sensations in our meat suits can be confusing all of the time, but particularly during a retrograde, and one in Aries.

This retrograde in Aries may be extra discombobulating in the mind because Mercury wants to think, think, rethink, reorganize, and then think some more. This is to make sure that all of the t’s have been crossed and the i’s have been dotted; however, Aries energy wants to go forward, now. Mental and emotional burnout can be increased during a retrograde, but with the Aries energy, the potential is even greater. This is due to the fact that Mercury wants to slow down and take it’s time, and Aries is the leader of the Zodiac, the sign that wants to throw all caution to the wind and make strides forward with no concern for consequence or repercussion. This retrograde is asking you to look inward when you have those impulsive feelings to GO, as they may not always be in your best interest, but more to your detriment. That is something that you need to decide for yourself.

This energy can feel like really wanting to take the next step in a project, but not being able to find the resources or mental stamina to do so. In fact, you may be met with issues you did not anticipate such as technological issues, miscommunication or even transportation issues. None of this is to scare or bring fear to everyday decision making, however, if we are aware of the energy and the impact it could have, we can prepare and work with the energies best we can.


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